đź’ˇHow to Migrateđź’ˇ
Time to Upgrade!
The time has come! We are proud to announce Pika Finance has completed its integration with Pancakeswap v2. All features from the Zap and Farms pages have been upgraded. Please follow the guide below to migrate your v1 stake and liquidity to v2. Reward multipliers in Farms have been temporarily boosted so take advantage of this opportunity!
Unstake Farms v1
- Go to https://pikafinance.io/farms
- Click on “Inactive”
- Click the minus “-” button with each of your LP stakings
- Select “Max” and click “Confirm”
Remove Liquidity v1
- Go to https://exchange.pikafinance.io/#/swap
- Click on “Go”
- Click on “Liquidity v1”
- Select each of your liquidity positions and click “Remove”
- Click “Max” to remove 100% of your liquidity
- Click “Approve” and then “Remove”
Add Liquidity v2
- Go to https://exchange.pikafinance.io/#/swap
- Click on “Liquidity” and then “Add Liquidity”
- Choose the token pair and amount to add to liquidity
- Click “Supply”
Stake Farms v2
- Go to https://pikafinance.io/farms
- Choose the pair you provided liquidity for in previous step
- Click “Accept Contract” and then “Stake”
- Click “Accept Contract” and then “Stake”
- Enter amount you would like to stake and click “Confirm”
$PIKA: 0x50d370cc853217099bef3815faabfc563139ec2a
$CANDY: 0x1963E04a845213d005cDf0e22a39F85BD5941390
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