Pika Finance ⚡ Uniswap
Now Listed on UniswapV3!
Uniswap: https://app.uniswap.org/#/swap?outputCurrency=0xf9027c902095e5f5c038c256579ca433c4dbdc96
Providing Liquidity on Uniswap V3: https://docs.uniswap.org/concepts/introduction/liquidity-user-guide
We are proud to announce Pika Finance has officially launched on Uniswap V3, making $PIKA available for an even wider audience! Be one of the first to provide liquidity to earn trading fees on the Uniswap DEX. To celebrate this achievement, over 100k+ $PIKA tokens will be burned from the treasury within the span of a week. Stay tuned for more exciting announcements!
⭐️Contract Addresses⭐️
ETH $PIKA: 0xf9027c902095e5f5c038c256579ca433c4dbdc96
BSC $PIKA: 0x50d370cc853217099bef3815faabfc563139ec2a
BSC $CANDY: 0x1963E04a845213d005cDf0e22a39F85BD5941390
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