Pika Summer🏖️
Now 10x Candy Rewards!
Updated Farms: https://pikafinance.io/farms
Summer is here and the weather is perfect to go farming for some yield! The Pika community asked to revise the reward rates and we heard your requests. Starting today, the emission rate for $CANDY has increased 10x from the previous 0.1CANDY/block to 1CANDY/block. Below are the newly refreshed reward rates at the time of writing. Happy summer farming!
CANDY-BNB 11,212%
CANDY-BUSD 10,288%
⭐️Contract Addresses⭐️
ETH $PIKA: 0xf9027c902095e5f5c038c256579ca433c4dbdc96
BSC $PIKA: 0x50d370cc853217099bef3815faabfc563139ec2a
BSC $CANDY: 0x1963E04a845213d005cDf0e22a39F85BD5941390
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