⭐Weekly Update⭐
Happy Easter Weekend!
Hope everyone is having a great weekend! The Pika team is working hard to deliver the second milestone of our roadmap, the evolvable NFT platform. Here is a recap of everything we have accomplished this past week.
✔️ $PIKA Bscscan Update
✔️ Burn & Earn Event Completed
✔️ NFT Ignition Event Started
✔️ Evolvable NFT Creation In Progress
✔️ Evolvable NFT Smart Contracts Completed & In Testing
✔️ Website Configured and Ready for NFT Launch
✔️ Solidity Audit Complete
✔️ $PIKA Listed on Live Coin Watch
✔️ Defistation Listing
✔️ DappOnline Listing
✔️ Dapp.com Listing
✔️ DappReview Listing
⭐️BSC Contract Addresses⭐️
$PIKA: 0x50d370cc853217099bef3815faabfc563139ec2a
$CANDY: 0x1963E04a845213d005cDf0e22a39F85BD5941390
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Website: https://pikafinance.io
Discord: https://discord.gg/gQaYv28Mxu