Pika Finance ⚡ PancakeSwap
Lights, Camera, Action!
Official Contract Address: 0x50d370cc853217099bef3815faabfc563139ec2a
Pancakeswap: https://exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?outputCurrency=0x50d370cc853217099bef3815faabfc563139ec2a
Website: https://pikafinance.io
We are live on Pancakeswap! What an amazing turnout today at our fair launch event! Absolutely thrilled to see how much everyone loves Pika and support the project! We’re in the process of locking up liquidity, team tokens, and performing other security measures to ensure the safety of our community. Stay tuned for more updates!
When trading on Pancakeswap, please make sure to use the official contract address above and beware of clones & scams. For details of how to buy PIKA on Pancakeswap, click here.
⭐️BSC Contract Addresses⭐️
$PIKA: 0x50d370cc853217099bef3815faabfc563139ec2a
$CANDY: 0x1963E04a845213d005cDf0e22a39F85BD5941390
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Telegram ANN: https://t.me/pikachufinance
Twitter: https://twitter.com/pikafinance
Website: https://pikafinance.io
Discord: https://discord.gg/gQaYv28Mxu